Dulwich Hill Public School

Together we inspire

Telephone02 9559 2699


Parents and Citizens Association

The Parents and Citizens (P&C) Association is an active, enthusiastic group of parents who volunteer their time to support the students of Dulwich Hill Public School.

Our P&C works hard to promote a strong relationship between parents, citizens, students and teachers through a range of programs, initiatives and events.

The P&C aims to

  • support the education and wellbeing of our children by fostering close cooperation between parents and the school
  • act as a liaison between parents and the school
  • act as a forum for parents to find out what is happening in, and planned for, the school
  • raise funds to provide services, facilities and equipment for the school
  • represent the views of parents in school decision-making eg. by sitting on school committees and contributing to the development of school policies
  • act on broader community issues that impact on the welfare and safety of students e.g. traffic and pedestrian safety around the school
  • act on broader educational issues, particularly through its membership of the NSW Federation of P&C Associations.

Activities that the P&C undertake include

  • running the school uniform shop
  • running the school canteen
  • running the Learning Enrichment Program where students can undertake extra curricular learning on school premises
  • assisting in the planning and caring of the school grounds
  • liaison with the Out of Hours School Care provider
  • fundraising and social events.

The P&C works with the Principal to allocate P&C funds . Examples include the purchase of classroom smartboard technologies, classroom readers,  supporting the school equity fund and purchasing musical instruments for rental.

P&C meetings

The P&C meets twice each term at 7.30 – 9pm either by zoom or at school.

P&C Meeting Dates for 2025: TBA

Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Term 4

The Principal attends the meetings, along with staff and other invited speakers to provide updates on the school. All parents and carers are welcome to attend. Get involved, make new friends, join a committee to help strengthen the school community.

Structure and membership

Membership of the P&C is open to everyone in the Dulwich Hill Public School community – parents, carers, grandparents, teachers, and community members. Anyone is welcome to attend a meeting at any time. If you’d like to participate in voting, pay a membership fee of 50c each year.

P&C executive

Parent volunteers are elected at the end of each year to act as an executive committee.

Executive for 2025 are:

  • President: Catherine Mulligan
  • Vice President: Minh Huynh
  • Treasurer: Laura Toose
  • Secretary: Vee Marigliano

Get in touch

Email us at dullypnc@gmail.com

Join our Facebook group: Dulwich Hill Public School – P&C



The music sub-committee supports the school music program by:

  • facilitating performance opportunities for students via events such as the Musical Showcase and Music Mondays,
  • Assisting with the Year 6 musical.
  • Running the Parents and Teachers Choir which performs at the Musical Showcase.
  • Leasing instruments to school band members.
    Contact: Jane Bernard

Out of school hours

Dulwich Hill Public School has an outside school hours care program run by Camp Australia. A parent representative liaises between Camp Australia, service users and the school. The representative meets with Camp Australia staff once a week and with school staff on a regular basis.

Contact: Suzanne Watson


The Dulwich Hill Public School Grounds encompass all the nature spaces within the school: ground covers, shrubs and canopy layers, frog pond, indigenous garden, Cadigal market, fruit trees and edible gardens, playgrounds, rocks, logs and hideaways, many of which have been planted or created by past and present students and families. These spaces are integral to school life as a place for learning, playing and community gatherings as well as forming part of the urban wildlife corridor, the GreenWay and supporting local biodiversity. The grounds have been established over many years through the dedication and commitment of teachers, general assistants, parents and students. Download the Dulwich Hill Grounds vision for 2020 (PDF 2.8 MB)

There are many ways to get involved at working bees or in your own time. Some families like to get their kids involved or let them play around while they tend a patch, others treat it as a bit of eco therapy—mindful weeding!, or a workout— barrow a few loads of mulch around. Volunteers can adopt a small patch and we will show you how to manage it. There are also other tasks in the edible garden that you may be interested in.

Contact: Sarah Allely