Dulwich Hill Public School

Together we inspire

Telephone02 9559 2699


Stage 1 - Years 1 and 2

Find out what our students will be focusing on in Stage 1 - Years 1 and 2.

Stage 1 staff

  • 1/2A – Ms Anita Stevis
  • 1/2B - Ms Lara Bryant
  • 1/2M - Ms Mara Page
  • 1/2S – Ms Emma Lewis / Mrs Angelica Salachoris

Mrs Mara Page – Relieving Assistant Principal and Stage 1 Supervisor

Teaching and learning – Term 1

English and mathematics

Students will learn English through speaking and listening, writing and representing, reading and viewing , grammar, punctuation and vocabulary, thinking imaginatively and creatively, expressing themselves and reflecting on their learning.

In Mathematics students will explore mathematical concepts through a range of learning activities. Students will explore mathematical problems and develop mathematical fluency. They will link mathematical ideas and use appropriate language and diagrams to explain strategies used.

History and geography

This term students will be studying ‘The Weather.’ This unit of work aims to provide students with the opportunity to further develop their understanding of weather and the seasons. Students will explore the science behind why changes in weather occur. They will use a range of methods to describe observable short-term changes in the sky. Students will have the opportunity to examine how different cultural groups, including Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Peoples describe weather and seasons.

Personal development, health and physical education

This term students have Gymnastics. Gymnastics is held in the hall on Thursdays for 40 minutes over an 8 week period.  This PDHPE program, was developed to deliver NSW PDHPE syllabus outcomes and is now at the forefront in progression to National Statements of Learning. In addition, students participate in class sport daily to make up the mandatory 150 minutes of physical activity per week.

Please help your child to keep track of their belongings and make sure that all jumpers, jackets, hats, lunchboxes, containers and drink bottles are well labelled.