What our students in Stage 2 - Years 3 and 4 will focus on.
Stage 2 Teachers
- 3/4B – Ms Rhiannon Baker / Ms Megan Bourne
- 3/4L – Mr Ant Larmer
- 3/4P – Ms Emma Sherley / Ms Niki Pavlis
- 3/4T - Ms Florini Tatsakis
Ms Niki Pavlis and Ms Emma Sherley - Assistant Principals and Stage 2 Supervisors
Teaching and Learning Term 2
In English this term, students will have the opportunity to develop their public speaking skills and participate in the Multicultural Perspectives Public Speaking Competition. Further opportunities to develop speaking skills are embedded in collaboration tasks and presentations across other Key Learning Areas (KLAs). Modelled reading texts include The unlikely story of Bennelong and Phillip, Finding Our Heart, Young Dark Emu and multimodal texts. Comprehension strategies that are modelled are further developed in guided and independent reading tasks. Writing and composing has a focus on imaginative texts (narratives) whilst also allowing opportunities for other writing purposes.
In Mathematics this term, teaching and learning builds upon Term 1 and introduces some new sub-strands in Measurement and Geometry (see strands listed below). Working Mathematically skills are taught within other strands allowing for students to apply their mathematical skills and knowledge.
- Number & Algebra: Whole Number, Addition & Subtraction, Patterns, Multiplication & Division, Fractions & Decimals
- Measurement & Geometry: 3D Space, Mass, Volume & Capacity, Time, Position
- Statistics & Probability: Data, Chance
- Working Mathematically: Communicating, Problem Solving, Reasoning
Science & Technology
Stage 2 of the Digital Technologies strand focuses on digital systems and how they transmit data. Students explore different types of data, have the opportunity to learn how to interpret patterns and develop skills in visual programming. Stage 2 of this strand further develops students’ knowledge and understanding of computational thinking and abstraction. There will be emphasis on the skill involved in ‘working scientifically’: processing and analysing data, design and production, producing and implementing and testing and evaluating. Continuing their inquiry in Digital Technologies, weekly lessons with Robokids will give opportunities to further develop students’ knowledge and understanding of computational thinking and abstraction through robotics.
Personal Development, Health and Physical Education
Within Personal Development and Health, students will explore identity, self-esteem and healthy life choices (see table above for further detail). During weekly Physical Education lessons students will cover content in the Movement & Performance strand, focusing on the Key Inquiry Questions:
• How can we move our bodies to perform skills in different ways?
• How can we demonstrate our understanding of movement to solve challenges?
• How can we include others in physical activity?
The school cross country carnival and training will also be a part of the PE program.
In History, students will continue the unit First Contacts. Consolidating and building upon learning that occurred in Term 1, there is a focus on the 3rd and 4th Key Inquiry Questions:
· Why did Europeans settle in Australia?
· What was the nature and consequence of contact between Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples and early traders, explorers and settlers?
Creative Arts
Teaching and learning will focus on Drama with opportunities in making, performing and appreciating dramatic performances. Students will focus on the elements of drama, mime, movement and sound, to develop their skills and confidence within short performances and giving and receiving feedback.
Stage 2 classes have their weekly music lesson with Ms Gibson on Tuesdays or Wednesdays.
We are looking forward to another successful, engaging term!