Dulwich Hill Public School has an enrolment of just under 400 students within the Canterbury School Education Group. Students are in 16 classes and 43 per cent are from language backgrounds other than English.
The 2021-2024 Improvement Plan is our three year plan for improvement and demonstrates commitment from the staff in reflecting, reviewing, evaluating school practices and moving forward in identified areas, within the contexts of Department of Education initiatives and evidence based pedagogy.
Our programs are curriculum based and enriched by research based practices which include John Hattie’s Visible Learning and Dylan Wiliam’s Feedback research and related strategies, which are being practised in all classrooms K-6 as described in the School Plan. One identified goal of this professional learning and practising is to increase the engagement of students in knowing where they are with their learning and know how to achieve the next step in their learning. I warmly welcome you to be part of this transition to more individually student focussed learning in all classrooms K-6.
Music program
Dulwich Hill Public School has a long record of an effective music program. Currently Ms Jenny Gibson is the foundation on which the music programs are established. Jenny received in 2018, a Recognition of Outstanding Service to Music Teaching in a NSW Public School Award – very deeply deserved. Jenny delivers music lessons to classes as part of the Release from Face-to-Face (RFF) program at DHPS.
Students are also able to participate in recorder groups, ukulele group, string group and either the stage one, stage two or stage three choir. Parents can apply for their children to join the training band or the concert band, both led by Bandmaster Martin Taylor.
Sustainability has been a long held and ethical position held by the school and its community. Gardening lessons continue to be a regular feature of grade teaching and learning programs in all classes in the school, across every year. Learning about the land skills of the traditional owners of the land, The Gadigal people of the Eora nation, is a significant aspect of all key learning areas and particularly History, Geography and Science. There is a strong awareness of the importance of First Nations people and their importance and contribution to the learning at Dulwich Hill Public School.
Student outcomes
All staff are dedicated to the best outcomes for all students; social, emotional and academic. All staff has a role to play, understand that role and fulfil their roles with professionalism and generosity of spirit as they work positively with your children every day. This is true of every teacher. It is also true of the School Learning Support Officers (SLSOs previously known as teacher’s aides) who support student learning both inside the classrooms and also in playground settings in association with classroom teachers and members of the Learning support team (LST).
Our School Administration Support Staff (SASS) is our wonderful front office staff and general assistant as well as the School Administration Manager (SAM). These people monitor health care plans and their implementation, manage all calls, inquiries and administrative functions within the school and most importantly provide comfort and care to sick or injured students until recovery or your arrival – often that is the same thing.
Welcome to our school!
Linda Wickham,